Help LEOs Work Faster and Smarter

by | Mobile Workforce

The right technology can enhance officer productivity by giving them the ability to gather information
and prepare reports quickly and accurately, improve situational awareness, and reduce trips back to
the station. 98% of officers say their department needs to adopt technologies that improve the quality of reporting, officer safety, and community visibility to help LEOs work faster and smarter.

Law enforcement needs mobile tech to streamline reporting.

  • Compliance with mandates such as the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) creates the need for greater detail and specifics in incident reporting, which increases the time it takes to complete reports.
  • Inefficient reporting processes combined with the burden of paperwork can have negative impacts on police officers, including creating productivity drains and officer safety concerns.
  • Report inaccuracies and incompleteness can require officers to revisit those reports during the judicial process.
  • More in-car time spent documenting and working on reports can increase the risk and danger for police officers.

Panasonic TOUGHBOOK® devices provide the rugged mobile interface to access and share the data officers need to improve performance and stay vigilant. Technology supported by these devices include:

  • Voice recognition reporting enables officers to speak a report instead of writing it.
  • E-ticketing to speed up ticket issuance by scanning driver’s license barcodes.
  • Automated license plate recognition (ALPR) to scan passing license plates and alert officers to pending or potential concerns and aid in apprehensions.
  • Computer-aided dispatch (CAD) to facilitate and enrich dispatch communications with historical data on calls, people, and locations.
  • Mobile digital video systems that enhance crime investigation capabilities with body-worn and in-car camera systems.
  • AI, analytics, facial recognition, and biometrics to aid in the collection and analysis of data to help identify crime areas and persons of interest.
  • Reconnaissance drones and robots that collect information, perform surveillance and investigate threats from a safe distance.

84% of agencies have mobile computers installed in patrol vehicles and 34% of agencies equip officers with tablets while on patrol. Panasonic TOUGHBOOK® devices are designed to support all of the mission-critical technology for police forces, engineered to withstand in the harshest of environments, offer longer-life durability and power, have embedded wireless antennas for superior connectivity, and include compliance software for strenuous data security. Pearl Solutions Group partners with Panasonic to deploy TOUGHBOOK® devices. Connect with us for a free demo and connection to a grant assistance program.

Let's chat about how we can help.

Call us at 636.949.8850, grab a spot on our calendar, or fill out this form and we will reach out to you.

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