by Cindy Heffner | Jan 3, 2023 | Managed Services
When is the last time you checked in with your staff and asked how their computers and technology are working for them? How often do they have to wait on devices to boot up or for applications or files to load? How many errors stopped their work or support tickets did...
by Cindy Heffner | Nov 1, 2022 | Co-Managed IT, Managed Services
While outsourcing is common in many areas of business such as HR, finance, and procurement, the most mature and common outsourced function for businesses of all sizes is IT (information technology). While you can hire a managed services provider to take care of your...
by Cindy Heffner | Oct 11, 2022 | Cybersecurity, Managed Services
Your staff is divided into two password behaviors and both of them are a problem for your business. One set uses the same password for every application, likely for business AND personal access. The other diligently sets a different password for every application, but...
by Cindy Heffner | Sep 20, 2022 | Managed Services, Professional Services
Many types of disasters can negatively impact your business. Without special measures to protect your operations, infrastructure, and staff from any harmful effects a disaster could cause, your business could be catastrophically and permanently damaged. It is critical...
by Cindy Heffner | Sep 13, 2022 | Managed Services
It’s Disaster Preparedness Month, do you know where your business is vulnerable? A natural disaster, server crash, cyber attack, or another data-erasing disaster could cost you thousands in lost profit, weeks of downtime, or worse, complete collapse. Being...
by Cindy Heffner | Aug 23, 2022 | Managed Services, Professional Services
Excess heat can be a BIG problem for your business. Overheated computers, servers, and other technology can cost more in energy, create more frequent failures, and are more likely to crash. This kind of disruption can mean hours or days of downtime, unproductive...