Making This One Mistake With Your Computer Network Could Put You Out Of Business

by | Managed Services

How do you handle network issues? If you’re like most small businesses, you wait until something breaks or goes wrong before getting an IT services company on the phone. At a glance, it makes sense. Why pay to fix something if it isn’t broken? Sadly, this way of thinking can do more harm than good, and it has taken many businesses out of commission.

When you get right down to it, there are two primary ways to handle network security:

  • By being reactive
  • By being proactive

One of these costs significantly more than the other and can destroy a business. You can probably guess which one we’re talking about.

When you’re reactive with your IT services, which includes data security, it means something bad has already happened. There are many different things that can harm your data and your business, like an employee accidentally downloading malware onto their computer, you getting hit by a data breach, or a power surge occurring late in the night after a thunderstorm hits. However, being reactive basically opens the door to these threats. It’s the one mistake that can put you out of business for good.

Hackers, for example, are a HUGE threat to small businesses. These cybercriminals will stop at nothing to break into your network to steal whatever they can get their hands on or do whatever damage they can. These people don’t care if their actions put you out of business. This is why you cannot rely on a reactive approach to your IT services. When you do, you’re a step behind hackers, malware, and even natural disasters and equipment failures.

In the past, IT services were very reactive. They were built on the break-fix model, which is exactly as it sounds. A business would wait for something to break or go wrong before calling an IT services company for help to fix it. In the 1990s and even into the 2000s, the break-fix model had its place and it worked. But as technology improved and it became easier for even the smallest businesses to stay ahead of the curve, the break-fix model stopped making sense.

The number of external threats has increased dramatically over the last 10 years. There are countless malware programs floating around on the Internet, and hackers are working 24/7 to wreak havoc.

It’s time to get proactive.

Today, IT services companies can predict threats. They can stop attacks in their tracks and protect your business and your data. This is called managed services — and it could save your business.

When you work with a managed services provider, you can state exactly how you want to be proactive. Do you want your network monitored for threats 24/7? Do you want them to have remote access to your networked devices so they can provide instant support to you and your team? They can do all of that!

A good IT services company can help you make sure all your data is backed up and secure. They can make sure external threats are spotted before they become a problem. They can make sure phishing e-mails don’t expose you to harm. The list goes on!

If you’re already working with an IT services company and they’re only providing outdated break-fix support, it’s time to say, “Enough!” Demand that they get proactive to manage your network. Don’t wait until something breaks to make that phone call. Because, as many businesses have learned, waiting to make that call can be devastating!

Time for IT Spring Cleaning

Time for IT Spring Cleaning

Spring is the perfect time for a fresh start—not just for your home or office space, but for your IT infrastructure too! Over time, systems get cluttered, security measures become outdated, and inefficiencies creep in. Just like you wouldn’t let dust and junk pile up...

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