Outsmart the IT Talent Shortage

by | Co-Managed IT, Managed Services

The demand for workers is outpacing supply, but especially so for experienced IT talent. If you are a small business owner, you are likely finding it difficult to hire IT support that can keep up with the rapidly advancing technology updates and cybersecurity threats. Augmenting your staff with a co-managed IT program can help you outsmart the IT talent shortage.

Unless you are a technology company, small business owners may not fully understand the skill sets required in a properly staffed, competent IT department. You will quickly discover that one IT person on staff is not sufficient and the enterprise-level expertise you’ll need is not an affordable option as an in-house team. A co-managed IT program provides you with top-level support and management of your IT infrastructure, data backup, and cybersecurity protections, instead of the cost and burden of building a robust internal IT department that can handle everything.

In a co-managed IT program, experienced and enterprise-grade IT leaders work alongside your internal staff.

  • Improves the skills of internal IT staff and expands IT resources company-wide.
  • Monitors all network resources and shares those resources with internal IT staff.
  • Provides backup support to internal IT staff and advanced resources for the less common or complex issues.
  • Roles and responsibilities are defined upfront and are flexible as needs change or internal IT staff experience grows.

Adding automation tools and software, supporting business growth, and protecting your network and data from increasingly sophisticated cyber threats can quickly overwhelm you and your staff. Co-managed IT is a flexible partnership where ongoing services and software tools specific to the needs of your IT staff are customized to fill in gaps, support growth, and provide superior IT support and services at an affordable cost.

Hiring a complete and competent staff to implement and support software and hardware, provide technical assistance to your company, and manage and protect your network would cost you $450,000 or more in salary alone. Recruiting and retaining that talent, especially in today’s imbalanced supply and demand pool, will be a considerable use of your time and resources. Take a closer look at how co-managed IT can help you outsmart the IT talent storage.

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