How to Protect Your Business From Phishing

by | Cybersecurity

90% of all incidents that end in a data breach start with a phishing email. Clicking a link embedded within an e-mail or opening an attachment without thought could unintentionally provide hackers the opening they need to launch a successful cyberattack on your business. The threat landscape is increasingly sophisticated so knowing how to protect your business from phishing is critical. The key is security awareness training for your employees. 

Email inboxes are overflowing with messages. The average worker spends 28 percent of their workweek on email, more than 11 hours a week! An eye-catching subject line is a sophisticated tactic cybercriminals deploy to capture your attention and elicit a specific response or action. With the average person sending and receiving 124 work emails every day, or 620 emails every week, it can be hard to identify the ones that are intended to deceive you.

Your employees are the first line of defense against hackers. Implementing comprehensive security training is necessary to empower your entire team with the knowledge to identify security threats and become an active component of your security defense strategies. Tarnished reputation, penalties from regulatory violations, and loss of business are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to dealing with the aftermath of security incidents. Employee security awareness training is proven to lessen the blow, making your business more resilient to future attacks.

Just a few of the benefits of implementing security awareness training:

  • ROI of security awareness training for small businesses is 69%, with large businesses seeing a whopping 562% ROI!
  • Security awareness training can reduce the impact of a cyberattack by more than 70%
  • When security awareness training is implemented, the costs of disinfecting workstations and remediating malware/ransomware attacks goes down dramatically

Employees are human and they’re bound to make mistakes. Human error, weak passwords, improper data storage, sharing devices, falling for phishing emails – the list goes on. Regular security awareness training can provide them the skills they need to make the right decisions. From mitigating cyberthreats to promoting confidence in your employees, security awareness training is an invaluable asset to your business and a critical element of your cybersecurity posture.

Samantha Yip from ID Agent joined Pearl President & COO, Floyd Bell, for a chat about how critical your employees are as the first line of defense against cyber attacks and how you can educate and empower them to protect your business. Watch the 35-minute webinar

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