How to Optimize your IT Budget

by | Co-Managed IT, Managed Services

The IT landscape is increasingly intricate with new technologies emerging and evolving security threats. Limited resources, technological complexity, and security concerns create a gap within many organizations that are trying to build, maintain, and staff the most effective and efficient IT engine. As you are looking to optimize your IT budget for next year, are you realizing you’re big enough to need a professional-grade IT department but you can’t afford to add significant overhead in I.T. tools and staff – particularly specialists with skills and tools that are only needed part-time?

Take a look at how a partnership with a Managed Service Provider (MSP) can help you with complete or supplemental IT function area experts to optimize your IT budget.

Increase knowledge and experience:
Single or small in-house IT resources have limited skills, experience, and time to take care of EVERY IT responsibility. An MSP offers you a full staff of widely experienced and certified experts to take on what IT responsibilities you cannot or do not want to manage.

Control costs:
The cost to build and maintain all the tools and staff you need for effective IT support can quickly put you over budget. The average salary for an IT resource is $85,000 – plus health benefits, plus sick & vacation time, plus 401K, plus payroll taxes, plus training. A partnership with an MSP provides an entire team of IT support resources, cybersecurity expertise, strategic planning, project management, and IT solution & management tools for a fixed, monthly cost tailored to your needs.

Around-the-clock support and maintenance:
The average IT employee will work 8-hour days Monday through Friday. Do you have IT staff covering every possible shift of the rest of your operations – nights, weekends, and holidays? What if they quit or take PTO? Pearl Solutions Group makes sure you can reach someone when you need help. Whether you need to cover extended hours, accommodate time off, or fill in gaps, we can have IT support available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

A good business leader knows they need a deep bench of function area experts to help their business thrive. Pearl Solutions Group’s Managed or Co-Managed solution delivers a deep bench of expertise at a fraction of the cost of building and maintaining an in-house team. We can help you optimize your IT budget through a flexible partnership of customized, ongoing services and expert-level support to fill in your I.T. resource or talent gaps.

Let's chat about how we can help.

Call us at 636.949.8850, grab a spot on our calendar, or fill out this form and we will reach out to you.

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