Four Network Upgrade Benefits

by | Professional Services

As you plan and budget for next year, upgrading your network infrastructure should be a priority. Software and hardware updates may not show immediate ROI in your sales goals, but without them, your business can suffer from leaking profits or major catastrophe. Plan for upgrades in 2023 and experience these four network upgrade benefits.

Increased productivity and better customer experience: If your Internet speeds are slow, your employees will work at a slower pace. Client-facing application will also lag and can be detrimental to your customer’s satisfaction with your business. 5G Internet is implementing nationwide, but you’ll need to be on updated networks to utilize it. Investing in a new network will allow you to leverage faster Internet speeds, improving efficiency and the overall company experience for both your employees and your customers.

Better network security: One successful cyber attack could bring irreparable harm to any business. Cyber threats are more complicated and more advancing than ever. Older and outdated networks are easily breached by bad actors, but newer, updated network are built with more sophisticated defenses. Even if you’ve recently upgraded, you’ll need to budget and plan for constant maintenance as patches are continually released to help protect vulnerabilities that cyber criminals are revealing and exploiting.

More compatibility: An upgraded network provides businesses with lots of opportunities for streamlined and visualized operations.  Modern hardware and software applications are built to seamlessly interact with each other. Your sales, marketing, operations, customer service, and executives  can more easily conduct business with a holistic picture and easy, informed hand off as customers move through their experience with your company.

High-performing IT: Trying to protect and work on old infrastructures is a resource-heavy burden on your IT staff. Eventually your hardware and software reaches End of Life and finding support will cost much more in vulnerabilities, talent gaps, and downtime. Instead of leveraging updated hardware and applications to improve and secure your business, your staff will be constantly duct-taping cracks and slowing the bleed of dying infrastructure.

As your business grows and technology advances, your network needs to meet new demands. An experienced MSP can help you assess your current infrastructure and help you strategize the upgrades needed to keep your business secure and profitable. Get started with a FREE network assessment.


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